The Mission:

June 2014, the Carlsbad Fusion High School group traveled for 10 days to Soldotna and Anchorage Alaska. Soldotna is a town of 5000 on the Kenai Peninsula along the southern reach of Alaska. Working alongside the Alaskan Christian College, the students did a variety of labor-intensive work projects to improve both the college and local schools and non-profit agencies. The mission of the Alaska Christian College is to empower Alaska Natives through biblically-based education.

Completing the first leg of the trip, we then traveled to the 1st Covenant Church of Anchorage to put on Kids Camps over 4th of July weekend reaching out to local children in one of the older areas of the community. The statistics in Alaska are staggering - 75% of Alaskans experience domestic violence, with rape 2.5 times the national average. The violence towards children is also way above the average. The governor of Alaska says, "It really is the secret evil that is rotting us from the inside. It is something we don't talk about too much. It is done in the secrecy and privacy of homes." He said he's praying just for Alaska's rate of crimes like child sexual abuse -- which has been the highest in the nation -- to fall below the national average. He wants people to know that it's OK to talk about what's happened to them, wants them to have the courage to speak out.

Alaska 2014 Slideshow

Friday, July 4, 2014

Long days, Lumberjacks and Loving Hearts

The days tend to run together.  It may have something to do with the sun never setting and the work days being long.  We rise at 7:00 sharp.  Devo and quiet time at 7:30' breakfast at 8:00. Work starts at 8:30.  Dinner by 5:30.  In room by 10:30, lights out by 11:00 ... though last few nights we weren't back to campus until after 10:30 from hiking or beach!  So sleep has been more like a nap than sleep, and with the nonstop daylight, it's all surreal anyway.

On the campus of the Alaskan Christian College there is a man named Glen Mehrkens.  He is the foreman working with the teams that come in.  He is from Minnesota.  Turned 76 on June 1st.  A gentle giant; he is a retired high school Math Teacher.  When he retired in 1999, he decided if he had 10 years left to give, he wanted to give back.  Recently he decided it was time to be done.  They convinced him to come back one more time.  Then he heard it was 24 High School kids from California no less.  He had his reservations.  He had heard High Schoolers had lost all respect so he wasn't necessarily looking forward to our week together.  This morning as we left  he thanked us on behalf of the college.  He said we exceeded all expectations.  And on a personal note, the kids reversed everything he had been told - they were respectful, worked hard, did huge jobs, went beyond their comfort zones, never stopped or complained and finished early and did more that he or the college ever anticipated and they had hosted a lot of groups! He personally was amazed and blessed to work with such a team as he once more "retired."  For you .parents - these are your kids!!

Catherine is one of the gals who came from the whaling villages, works for the college and hosted us - she said in all the teams they've hosted, they have never had a more enthusiastic, willing to work or fun-loving team.

Wednesday as the jobs continued, we ...worked

Painted/Stained Decks
Built a Fence
Shampooed carpets throughout the college
Rotatilled ground
Mopped & cleaned

We went back to Amundsen Educational Center, painted top to bottom, two floors!  New curtains, blankets, towels, pillows, showers curtain, fixtures, mirrors, etc.  Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.....we'd, whack, we'd, wack, weed, wack, weed, wack.  Then we're done.  We looked around and it was it needed a coffee table. So what does our team do.  Find a wood pile, saw some wood slats, stain into the forest cut down a tree, yes cut down a tree for legs of course and make a table!  Unbelievable!!  It was amazing.  Yes folks!  We went in the forest, cut down a tree and made a coffee table!  Now it was good, and great.  The director was floored.

Tuesday night we hiked to the Russian River waterfall, and got the rare experience of seeing a momma bear and her cub in the wild!!

Wednesday night the team went to the beach for polar bear swimming, Bon fire and s'mores.

Thursday morning bright and early our manual labor ended and it's back to Anchorage to begin to more relational side of our trip.

Pray for health:  sore muscles, mosquito bites, cold/flu traveling throughout the group .

Pray for emotional strength as tensions run high and spirits run low, everyone is tired.

Pray for spiritual warfare as relational work begins.

Pray for the kids we interact with in the days ahead.

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